Wedding Dash 1 - Level 1.10
Expert Walkthrough

Wedding Plans

Brie with Cracker
Lemon Chiffon


Goal:  $6300
Expert Goal:  $9200

Guest List

  1. Derek [Allison]
  2. Allison [Dove Table]
  3. Allison [Bell Table]
  4. Ethel [Derek]
  5. ...
  6. Chloe [Heart Table]
  7. Al [Dove Table]
  8. ...
  9. Al [Chloe]
  10. Diane [Chloe]
  11. Ethel [Diane]
  12. ...
  13. Al [Dove Table]
  14. ...
  15. Chloe [Heart Table]
  16. Ethel [Chloe]
  17. Chloe [Bell Table]
  18. Derek [Ethel]
  19. ...
  20. Al [Chloe]
  21. Allison [Dove Table]

Table Setup


Group 1 Group 2

My Best Final Score


Original images and descriptions are the property of PlayFirst Games.
Walkthroughs ©2012 margotbean.