Wedding Dash 1 - Level 4.4
Expert Walkthrough

Wedding Plans

Romantic Elegance
Classic White


Goal:  $10500
Expert Goal:  $15000

Guest List

  1. Betty [Heart Table]
  2. Ethel [Dove Table]
  3. Chloe [No Betty]
  4. Chuck [Diane]
  5. Diane [Flower Table]
  6. Betty [Chuck]
  7. ...
  8. Bob [Chloe]
  9. Chuck [Chloe]
  10. Allison [Bell Table]
  11. ...
  12. Diane [Chuck]
  13. Ethel [Diane]
  14. Al [Diane]
  15. ...
  1. Bob [Bell Table]
  2. Derek [No Ethel]
  3. ...
  4. Chloe [Flower Table]
  5. ...
  6. Chloe [Heart Table]
  7. Bob [Chloe]
  8. Ethel [Chloe]
  9. Chuck [Chloe]
  10. Diane [No Bob]
  11. ...
  12. Al [Derek]
  13. Derek [Bell Table]
  14. ...
  15. Chuck [Ethel]

Table Setup


Group 1 Group 2

Waiting for Bob [Bell Table] & Derek [No Ethel] (#13 & #14 above) is a real pain, because the Chucks will be getting very impatient! That confetti blaster just can't recharge fast enough!

Your alternative is to seat them with Group 2 (shown below).

(I think the first method gives a few more points, but it does take practice to minimize the Chucks' anger.)

~ Alternate Method ~

Group 1 Group 2

Final Score


Original images and descriptions are the property of PlayFirst Games.
Walkthroughs ©2012 margotbean.