Ah, Wedding Dash! The original, the first game in the series, the source of my Dash game addiction! Although I didn't find Wedding Dash 1 to be nearly as difficult as Wedding Dash 2, there are some levels that are really difficult to beat!
General notes: Play in windowed mode. For one, it helps to be able to see the walkthrough behind the game window. You can also select the window and move it around to put the game on pause while avoiding the pause menu blocking the screen. Note that if you have to click on another window, though, be sure to pause the game and minimize it. Otherwise, it will probably freeze. You have been warned.
Selecting and holding a guest puts the guest's anger on pause. Use this to your advantage! (This is not the case with the other Wedding Dash games.)
Chaining: Unlike the mayhem that is Wedding Dash 4, in this game if you seat a Group 2 guest while Group 1 is still eating, you will not break a food chain. Yay Wedding Dash 1!
Also, taking gifts to the head table does not break a seating chain, and seating guests does not break a gift chain. So you can take gifts from angry guests to the head table while you figure out how to seat the rest of the guests. (This is most relevant to the first group seated.)
However, taking gifts to the head table does break a food chain. So, if you're trying to seat Group 2 or 3, you can seat guests early, but take the gift of only one irate guest... and don't take it to the head table. Just finish serving cake with one hand!
Original images and descriptions are the property of PlayFirst Games.
Walkthroughs ©2012 margotbean.