Wedding Dash 2 - Level 2.3
Expert Walkthrough


Beautiful White Doves
Exotic Delight
Bamboo Green


Goal:  $4200
Expert Goal:  $6500

Guest List

  1. Grandpa [Dove Table]
  2. Charles [Bell Table]
  3. Jane [Charles]
  4. ...
  5. Chloe [Dove Table] & Kathleen [Grandpa]
  6. Diane [Charles]
  7. ...
  8. Madison [Jane]
  9. Diane [Jane]
  10. ...
  11. Charles [Jane]
  12. Jane [Dove Table]
  13. ...
  14. Chloe [Diane] & Kathleen [Bell Table]
  15. ...
  16. Madison [Chloe]
  17. Diane [Madison]
  18. ...
  19. Chloe [Charles] & Kathleen [No Bell Table]
  20. Charles [Diane]

Table Setup


Group 1

Leave Jane seated until seating Diane from Group 2.

Group 2

Leave Chloe seated until seating Madison from Group 3.

Leave Charles seated until seating Chloe from Group 3.

If you're careful, you can avoid using champagne on Diane (Group 3), and save both bottles for Madison (Group 3).

Group 3

Final Score




Original images and descriptions are the property of PlayFirst Games.
Walkthroughs ©2011 margotbean.